Chapter 3. Running myPGP

Table of Contents

Command line interface
Quick tour

myPGP is a command line application. You have to type in a shell the commands and options you want the program to perform.

We opted for offering a CLI (Command Line Interface) because it provides much more flexibility than a graphic interface. You can express quickly what you want, and the Unix shell allows you to use the program within a pipe or even call it from a script.

In spite of this, we know that CLIs are sometimes ugly for many end users, so we plan to add an intuitive GUI (Graphic User Interface) some day, offering both options (flexible CLI and intuitive GUI).

If you have any idea about a GUI for myPGP, please write an email to .

Command line interface

myPGP has the following syntax:

mypgp [COMMANDS] [OPTIONS] [files]


Table 3.1. Commands

--help | -hshow help information
--sign | -smake a signature
--encrypt | -eencrypt data
--symmetric | -cencryption only with symmetric cipher
--decrypt | -ddecrypt data (default)
--verifyverify a signature
--list-keyslist keys
--list-sigslist keys and signatures
--list-secret-keyslist secret keys
--gen-keygenerate a new key pair
--delete-keysremove keys from the public keyring
--delete-secret-keysremove keys from the secret keyring
--dearmorde-armor a file
--enarmoren-armor a file


Table 3.2. Options

--armor | -acreate ascii armored output
--recipient | -r USERIDencrypt for USERID
--local-user | -u USERIDuse this user-id to sign or decrypt
--output | -o FILEuse FILE as output